Module 2. Job Getting
This module makes a distinction between job seeking and job getting. We'll demystify the whole process and give you a view from the hiring manager's seat--to give you a leg up as a candidate.
- Review the 13-page reference guide Reversing the Hiring Process. If you want to read my sob story about getting laid off (which triggered this content) have at it.
- Identify 1 or 2 specific job titles you’d like to go after next. If you're not sure, ask 5 people who know you what types of jobs they think you might be interested in. Ideally, select people you feel are farther down the path of life than you are currently—whether it’s your manager, your parents, a coworker, or a friend.
- Locate 10 job postings for those 1-2 job titles on a site like or LinkedIn Jobs or perhaps your desired company's careers website. You don't need to limit your search to your geographic area.
- Study these postings carefully and take notes on the common themes you find. These were posted by hiring managers for the types of jobs you want most, so it's important to understand the problems they want solved, the skills they are looking for, the key terms they use, and so on.
- Armed with this info, implement at least one idea from Reversing the Hiring Process.
- Review the discussion and Q&A (56 min) with others who completed this module.
- Drop a comment in the box below, such as what you liked most about this module, or a question that wasn't covered in the video.
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